Information for CalSHAPE, formerly AB 841

Check out the latest CalSHAPE (formerly AB 841) information for schools. CalSHAPE is a funding source for HVAC and plumbing upgrades and repairs in California schools. The law focuses on clean air and water efforts, particularly for highly-impacted and/or underserved schools.

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has updated its proposed guidelines for the AB 841 funding program (see links below), which will now be called CalSHAPE.  The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program has changed most significantly since the previous draft guidelines, while the CalSHAPE Plumbing Program is largely the same as the earlier version. 

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Ventilation Program Pathways

There are now three pathways for Ventilation Program grants, each with its own requirements for eligibility, funding, and reporting:

1. HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway

The HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway is the program that has been described in previous guidelines. If a site has at least one HVAC system that is not scheduled for replacement within two years, the site will apply under this pathway.  Funding will be available for new filters, CO2 monitors in each classroom, and an assessment and some maintenance of the existing units.  Sites that complete this process can also apply for additional HVAC upgrade or repair grants should they become available through CalSHAPE in a future round.

Maximum funding for each site in the HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway is:

  1. HVAC Assessment and Maintenance and HVAC Assessment Report: $10,000 plus $1,000 for each HVAC system unit
  2. Filter Replacement and Installation: $75 for each filter needed
  3. An additional 20% of the total costs for HVAC Assessment and Maintenance, HVAC Assessment Report, and Filter Replacement will be added to the site’s budget.  This contingency fund allows for additional maintenance or repairs identified by a Licensed Professional’s review of the HVAC Assessment Report.
  4. Purchase and Installation of CO2 monitors: $600 for each classroom

The HVAC Assessment report will need to include worksheets 1 through 9, as identified in the CEC’s table included below.

2. Scheduled for Replacement Pathway

The Scheduled for Replacement Pathway applies to a site where every HVAC unit, as demonstrated in an adopted facilities master plan, is scheduled for replacement within two years of the application submittal date.  Under this pathway, there is still funding for new filters, as well as the requirement to install CO2 monitors in each classroom, but there is no HVAC assessment or maintenance. These sites cannot apply for additional HVAC upgrade or repair funding should it become available in the future, but there is less required reporting for these sites.

Maximum funding for each site in the Scheduled for Replacement Pathway is:

  1. HVAC Assessment Report: $2,000 per site
  2. Filter Replacement and Installation: $75 for each filter needed
  3. Purchase and Installation of CO2 monitors: $600 for each classroom

The HVAC Assessment report will need to include only worksheets 2 and 9, as identified in the CEC’s table included below.

3. Limited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway

The Limited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway applies to school sites with no current HVAC system.  These sites can still receive funding for CO2 monitors, and the reporting completed under this pathway can lead to additional funding for HVAC upgrades should this funding later become available.

Maximum funding for each site in the Limited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway is:

  1. Modified assessment and HVAC Assessment Report: $4,000 per site
  2. Purchase and Installation of CO2 monitors: $600 for each classroom                                              

The HVAC Assessment report will need to include only worksheets 9 and 10, as identified in the CEC’s table included below.

The table below summarizes the information that will be required in the HVAC Assessment Report for each pathway.  Each item of required information will correspond with a worksheet to be included with the report, and these worksheets will be available through the CEC’s website.  While the worksheets are not available yet, Appendix B of the program guidelines describes the information that each will require.

HVAC Assessment Report Required InformationHVAC Assessment and Maintenance PathwayScheduled for Replacement PathwayLimited or No Mechanical Ventilation Pathway
1. System OverviewYesNoNo
2. Filtration SystemYesYesNo
3. Ventilation RateYesNoNo
4. Economizer OperationYesNoNo
5. Demand Control VentilationYesNoNo
6. Air Distribution and Building PressureYesNoNo
7. General MaintenanceYesNoNo
8. Operational ControlsYesNoNo
9. CO2 MonitoringYesYesYes
10. Limited or No Existing MechanicalNoNoYes

While maximum funding amounts have been established, please keep in mind that the CEC will still require a detailed contractor estimate for each site’s application. These estimates will need to demonstrate the total cost, timeline, and a clear description of all work to be performed, with line item costs for materials, labor, and any other costs.

CalSHAPE Plumbing Program

The CalSHAPE Plumbing Program still focuses on the replacement of plumbing fixtures and appliances that exceed defined water or energy usages.  This program is essentially the same as previously described, with eligible sites receiving funding for the cost to replace noncompliant fixtures or appliances with compliant versions.  Funding will include the cost to replace, cost to dispose of the old equipment, and costs for labor.

A detailed contractor estimate will be required for each site’s application with the budget, timeline, and a clear description of all work to be performed.  This estimate will need line item costs for materials, labor, and any other costs.

While this page summarizes the biggest changes in the new CalSHAPE (AB841) guidelines, there is still more detail that we have not covered here so please feel free to contact our office if you have any specific questions about the program and the opportunity for your sites to receive funding.